1916 – Child labor: In South Carolina, the minimum working age for factory, mill, and mine workers is raised from twelve to fourteen years old. (photo: Lewis Hine)
1953 – James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA; the formal announcement takes place on April 25 following publication in April's Nature.
Settled in for the night with Occupy New Haven. I've learned so far: Put the tarp up even if it's not supposed to rain until Wed.. Find out where the Porta-johns are before it gets dark. If you're really cold, stuff your pants with hand warmers.
1933 – Reichstag fire: Germany's parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, is set on fire.
The fire was used as evidence by the Nazis that the Communists were beginning a plot against the German government. Adolf Hitler, used the incident to suspend civil liberties, and instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist parliamentary delegates. With them gone and their seats empty, the Nazis went from being a plurality party to the majority; subsequent elections confirmed this position and thus allowed Hitler to consolidate his power. (Wikipedia)
1945 – World War II: During the Battle of Iwo Jima, a group of United States Marines reach the top of Mount Suribachi on the island and are photographed raising the American flag by photographer Joe Rosenthal producing perhaps the most famous war photograph n history.
1862 – Jefferson Davis is officially inaugurated for a six-year term as the President of the Confederate States of America in Richmond, Virginia. He was previously inaugurated as a provisional president on February 18, 1861.
1972 – Sales of the Volkswagen Beetle exceed those of the Ford Model-T on it's way to becoming the longest-running and most-manufactured car of a single design platform anywhere in the world. (photograph by - Basic Transporter)
Today - February 15, 1898 - The United States Navy battleship USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana, Cuba, killing more than 260 people and precipitating the Spanish-American War.